This sleek, wedge-shaped Sienar GS courier ship is little different from the thousands of other transports that travel the space lanes. A new model, the GS was developed as a rival to the traditional Incom StarBug-class Republic cruiser, its advantage being that it is smaller and more economical than the StarBug and that it requires only a two-person crew.
Thraurrallgisc's ship is named Red Planet after the popular nickname for his homeworld of Sorensia, the planet he represents within the Senate. The crew consists of pilot, Ayo Verna and co-pilot Yarua, and they are responsible also for the maintenance of the ship. Thraurrallgisc has recently installed an Industrial Automaton P2 astromach droid, Peetoo, to assist with navigation and diagnostics.
The Red Planet is unarmed, being a diplomatic ship and this status is conveyed through its red external colour scheme. However, it does possess deflector shields as required by Republic Health and Safety law.
The cockpit is just large enough to accommodate the two crew members and the instruments. Immediately aft is a vestibule where Peetoo is stationed, connected to the ship with a jumble of cables and wires. A short passageway leads to the passenger cabin and a ladder down to the sleeping quarters, galley, reactor chamber and engine room. A ventral hatch leads outside, in addition to an emergency exit at the rear.